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Vibration Analysis ( Alat analisa Getaran ) adalah alat ini mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengukur amplitude dan frekuensi getaran yang akan dianalisa. Karena biasanya sebuah mesin mempunyai lebih dari satu frekuensi getaran yang ditimbulkan, frekuensi getaran yang timbul tersebut akan sesuai dengan kerusakan yang tedadi pada mesin tersebut. Alat ini biasanya dilengkapi dengan meter untuk membaca amplitudo getaran yang biasanya juga menyediakan beberapa pilihan skala. Alat ini juga memberikan informasi mengenai data spektrum dari getaran yang terjadi, yaitu data amplitudo terhadap frekuensinya, data ini sangat berguna untuk analisa kerusakan suatu mesin. Keuntungan Getaran Analisis :
Menyimpan Perbaikan dan Biaya Produksi
Mudah Perbaikan Jadwal Pemeliharaan
Secara drastis Mengurangi Downtime Produksi / Biaya
Perbaikan berkurang Skala Besar dan FailuresReduces Biaya Pemeliharaan
Vibration Analysispada dasarnya adalah detak jantung dari semua peralatan mekanik. Menangkap Vibrasi ini dalam sejumlah bentuk yang berbeda memungkinkan seorang Vibration Analysis yang berpengalaman untuk mendiagnosa penyakit peralatan, seperti bantalan dipakai, ketidakseimbangan, ketidakselarasan dengan mengukur amplitudo dan frekuensi Vibrasi. Dengan pengetahuan ini, pelanggan dapat mencegah masalah peralatan baik sebelum mereka mempengaruhi produksi.
Vibration Analysis selalu memberikan
informasi berharga untuk melindungi peralatan pelanggan kami dari
kegagalan. Deteksi dini masalah memungkinkan pelanggan untuk secara
proaktif menyelesaikan masalah pemeliharaan.
Vibrasi Turbin
dipengaruhi beberapa komponen-komponen pendukung sehingga dapat
menghasilkan suatu energi yang dapat dipergunakan untuk membangkitkan
peralatan yang memerlukan energi listrik. Proses energi yang dilakukan
adalah vibrasi turbin. Vibrasi Turbin
Melakukan proses penghasil energi dengan air, dialirkan melalui pipa
pesat, energi potensial diubah menjadi energi kinetik dimana sejumlah
energi akan hilang karena gesekan yang merubah energi gerak menjadi
energi panas. Turbin bermacam-macam bentuk dan prosesnya, ada turbin
uap, turbin angin, turbin air, dll. Berikut berbagai macam yang
meliputi turbin air ada porpeller turbine, francis turbine, kaplan
turbine, pelton turbine. Turbin merupakan alat yang beroperasi dalam
proses penghasil energi panas untuk menghasilkan energi yang berbeda.
Pada setiap mesin pasti ada sebuah getaran yang sangat diperhatikan
adalah torsional vibration. Torsional Vibration
merupakan proses dimana bagian pusat badan turbin yang diputar pada
saat terjadi proses perputaran, terjadi pula gaya lintang tertentu yang
arahnya sama dengan rotasi poros. Proses ini cenderung menciptakan
pembengkokan pada poros. Getaran pada turbin pun terjadi pada
getaran sudu (mangkok turbin), bila proses turbin pada sebuah rakitan
sudu terkena oleh gaya sesaat akan terjadi getaran, getaran-getaran ini
biasa disebut dengan getaran bebas. Getaran-getaran ini merupakan proses
yang terjadi pada turbin sehingga kelangsungan turbin dan
komponen-komponen turbin lainnya harus saling mendukung dalam proses
kinerja. Karena jika salah satu komponen yang berperan pada turbin
mengalami pengikisan atau permasalahan akan menyebabkan penghasilan
energi kurang maksimal. Penyebab umum terjadinya getaran:
Pemilihan bahan dan material yang tidak memenuhi standarisasi yang digunakan untuk turbin atau komponen-komponennya.
Cara pemasangan atau penempatan turbin tersebut belum tepat sempurna.
Penyeimbangan yang tidak sesuai.
Adanya gaya-gaya yang mengganggu kinerja turbin.
Perbedaan ukuran-ukuran laluan sudu (terjadi akibat ketidaktelitian saat perakitan atau pembuatan).
Adanya benda-benda asing yang turut serta dalam aliran fluida, yang
dapat mengakibatkan ketidakseimbangan pada kinerja turbin, perputaran
turbin, dll.
Semua permasalahan dengan kinerja turbin yang disebabkan oleh
getaran getaran yang memungkinkan terjadi dapat menimbulkan penurunan
kinerja turbin dan kerusakan fisik yang terlihat kasat mata, berikut
faktor-faktor yang dapat terjadi:
Kerusakan pada komponen-komponen turbin berupa:
kropos pada komponen komponen turbin.
perubahan bentuk permukaan komponen turbin.
perubahan bentuk komponen-komponen turbin ,dll
Terjadinya polusi suara atau bunyi di daerah sekitar kompinen turbin.
Penurunan kecepatan rotasi turbin.
Penurunan drastis pada efisiensi turbin.
Penurunan kecepatan putaran torsional poros generator.
Penuruan daya hasil produksi, dll.
Kinerja turbin merupakan proses yang harus sangat diperhatikan. Oleh karena itu, condition monitoring dapat berperan sebagai pendukung dalam memantau serta merawat komponen-komponen pada turbin. Condition Monitoring
umunya digunakan secara berkala sesuai standarisasi dan kebutuhan pada
turbin bertujuan untuk meminimalisir dampak-dampak negatif yang
memungkinkan penurunan kinerja pada turbin.
System Description:
The GTI-110 system for iPad mini includes
VibeRMS. It includes everything needed to certify and create
reports for a machine based on custom
thresholds in acceleration, velocity or displacement. This
single-channel system is sold calibrated
and ready to use out of the box.
VibeRMS is the most advanced vibration
meter tool available. Unique to VibeRMS is the build your own
machine mode; which allows creation of an
entire library of custom machines with custom names and
measuring points. VibeRMS is a truly
custom app; capable of providing detailed reports for any machine
System Includes:
iPad mini 2 (16GB with Cellular Data)
VibeRMS 2
Single-Channel Accelerometer
*DAQ box not required or included
*Direct input via Lightning port
Rare Earth Magnet with 75 pound pull force
Industrial Protective Case
iPad AC Adapter
Lightning cord (for charging)
*System only compatible with VibeRMS and other 1-channel apps; DAQ box required for 2-channel
apps including VibePro
VibeRMS Features:
Build machine from library or take picture of machine and add the measuring points
Measure from VibeRMS library, standard library or users custom library
Measure vibration velocity in ips or mm/s
Measure vibration acceleration in G's
Measure filtered vibration displacement in mils p-p
View velocity/acceleration spectrum
Enter machine information and photo
Select threshold from different standards or set it to custom values
Generate complete report with machine information, company logo, measurements, thresholds and vibration spectrum
Send report by email or save it to the iPad
Report manager to view saved reports
More Information Call :
PT VIBRASINDO Jl. Radin Inten II No. 61 B Duren Sawit, Jakarta 13440 Mobile / WHATSAPP: 0813 9929 1909 PIN BB: 580EC93D Phone. 021-29563046 Fax. 021-29563052 Email: sales@vibrasindo.com Website: www.vibrasindo.com
For iPad and Other USB Devices with Universal App Support
The iPad Vibration Analyzer is now wireless with the new dual channel wireless accelerometer.
It is the only product of its kind to offer balancing wirelessly. The accelerometer is waterproof
enabling a great permanent mount setup with the integrated USB input for external power
Works out of the box with all existing apps
Supports tachometer for balancing
Supports 2nd accelerometer for apps that require it
USB Power Input provides easy permanent mount setups
30 day standby battery, with 12 hours of continuous use
GTI Wireless Sensor and Receiver, 3 spare batteries, “Getting Started Guide”, Sensor Holster, Mini
Flashlight, Rare Earth Magnet Base
Benefits of GTI’s Wireless System
Safety: Separate the accelerometer from the iPad to measure assets in dangerous areas.
Convenience: No more dealing with wires, connectors and other hassles.
Universal Support: Out of the box
support for any USB device or computer that has vibration analysis,
or other related software. Both
internal accelerometer and external input channel work across multiple
with appropriate software.
Permanent Mount Setups: The iPad can
pair to over 700 accelerometers providing a near endless amount of
to outfit an entire facility. USB
power supply enables an always available power supply.
Balancing: Never before has wireless
balancing been possible. GTI’s wireless accelerometer was designed from
one to support a tachometer to enable
wireless balancing. Every unit is capable of balancing, even if the
upgrade wasn’t purchased initially.
Accelerometer sensitivity is 100 mV/g and has a measurement range of 20 g
Battery type: 3V CR123. A very common battery type for cameras, high power flash lights, etc.
Physical size (without magnetic base): Length 78mm, OD 36mm
External sensor input connector: M8 male
External input sensor excitation voltage: 3.3V
Power input voltage: 5V through IP67 style mini USB-B connector
Case Ingress Protection: IP65
Sampling rate: 44,100 ksps or 48,000 ksps (host device dependent)
Temperature range: On external power -40°C to 75°C, with battery 0°C to 50°C
Range: Line of sight up to 100m
Crowded radio environments / through obstructions 15-25m
Mounting: 1/4"-28 female thread
Base Material: Hard Anodized Aluminum
Case Construction: Composite
Button Material: Stainless Steel
Button Indicator Color: Blue
Button Ingress Protection: IP67
No Latency
Wireless Spectrum: 2.4 GHz
Analog Digital Conversion Rate: 24 bits
More Information Call :
Jl. Radin Inten II No. 61 B Duren Sawit, Jakarta 13440
Mobile / WHATSAPP: 0813 9929 1909
PIN BB: 580EC93D
Phone. 021-29563046
Fax. 021-29563052
Email: sales@vibrasindo.com
Website: www.vibrasindo.com
Any effective predictive management system
has a vibration analyzer at its core.Regular route collection allows
you to trend vibration data on your
various assets. Vibration analysis and
trending allows a plant to foresee future failures, pinpoint the
possible causes of those failures and see
when a machine is misaligned or out of
balance, as well as other conditions that reduce bearing life. As the
first component to any great
management system, vibrational analysis
drives the long-term success of plants around the world.
Like all of our other products, our
vibration analyzer works off the iPad platform. The vibration analysis
equipment comes with an iPad
Air or 2nd generation mini, a custom iPad
case to protect against harsh environments, a dual-channel DAQ box for
tachometer and accelerometer
input, and one accelerometer with a
magnetic base and coiled cord.
GTI Predictive Technology also provides
its cutting-edge VibePro 7 vibration analysis software with every
analyzer. This software is the
key to making vibration testing possible
on your iPad. It offers a single vibration measurement mode, a route and
trending mode and fluid
integration with the web application.
Single Measurement Mode
To monitor and capture vibration data on a
single machine, our customers utilize the VibePro 7 single measurement
mode. In some applications,
these single measurements are the only
necessary readings. The single measurement mode works with either
imperial or metric readings and provides
two spectrums in one report. It includes
1.2 million CPM readings and a report manager for organizing and
accessing saved reports.
Route and Trending Mode
The route and trending mode utilizes all
of the modern features included in our vibration monitoring equipment.
Whether you need a full-featured
route creation tool or a simple method for
route data collection and trending, our vibration analyzer equipment
can handle it. Our customers
enjoy the freedom to divide their routes
into different plants, areas, machines and measuring points.
To further enhance trending, each
measurement point offers velocity or acceleration, Fmax range, bearing
fault frequencies in CPM, RPM markers,
danger and alert thresholds and a
temperature threshold. For ease of use, each measurement point can be
matched with an image.
You can collect your data by simply
touching a measuring point and watching as it loads the spectrum. After
collecting the data, you can easily
save the data to your route for
post-processing and trending. A recording of the spectrum is saved every
time you save route data so that you can
work with it in the future.
The route and trending mode offers
trending in an array of different ways. The main application presents a
trend chart for each measurement point.
To access additional trending and
post-processing options, you can utilize our iPhone, Mac, Windows or Web
app. The machine maintenance record
feature shows when a machine needs to be
further tested. You can simply touch a potentially problematic
measurement point and flag the machine as
imbalanced, misaligned or experiencing
bearing fault. The vibration testing equipment works with your software
to organize these issues and
remind you about potential problems when
Upgrades are available to our system that
can correct imbalance or alignment issues at the touch of a finger.
Check with
GTI Predictive Technology before investing
in any new vibration analysis equipment.
The iPad Vibration Analyzer is now wireless with the new dual channel wireless accelerometer
exclusively from GTI Predictive Technology. More Information Call :
PT VIBRASINDO Jl. Radin Inten II No. 61 B Duren Sawit, Jakarta 13440 Mobile / WHATSAPP: 0813 9929 1909 PIN BB: 580EC93D Phone. 021-29563046 Fax. 021-29563052 Email: sales@vibrasindo.com Website: www.vibrasindo.com